
Holidays and growing babies


So tonight MLO is going to grandma's so hubby and I can have some fun. Yes - that kind of fun :)

Going to have a nice dinner in a nice resturant and then come home and just have the two of us here.

This will be interesting because MLO is majorly teething right now.

She seems to be trying to grow them all at once (instead of the slow progression that some babies do). She did two stints of four teeth at once and now it looks like she is trying to do another set of at least three (that I have been able to count so far).

She is a little cranky and just wants to be held and rocked (by me preferably). She only wants to nurse which makes it hard for me to work sometimes.

She slept almost 14 hours last night (not that I did, no, I did the oh so smart thing and stayed up working and then woke up early).

On the bright side: she is wearing this new dress I bought her and she loves spinning in circles and having the skirt spin with her. This lasts for about two minutes and then she needs more hugs.

So grandma will be having fun tonight - luckily she raised three kids herself so she has some experience :)

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