

MLO's vocabulary seems to grow daily. She comes home from daycare with new words and phrases all the time.

Something her grandma pointed out to me is she has figured out the difference between "mine" and "yours". She will point to something that belongs to me and say, "that is yours" and I will acknowledge her and tell her, "that is right, it is mine." She nods her head as if she just taught me something.

So this rapid increase in vocabulary also means watching the words we use around the house. I would not call myself a huge swearer, but it does come out every now and then. For the most part I have applied the philosophy of trying not to use them, but if it does happen, don't make a big deal.

I was cooking dinner last night, with MLO perched on my hip (having a child definitely increases your multi-tasking abilities). I spilled something and mumbled "s**t".

MLO still happily watching what I am doing.

Hubby says, "be careful what you say."

I ask him what he is talking about, you see I mumbled it and hadn't even realized I used a bad word.

MLO "might pick up on your words."

I realize what he is talking about and tell him I don't think she even noticed.

At that exact moment MLO goes "oh s**t" and I get a raised eyebrow from hubby.


magickat said...


Oh boy - the timing was so right for this story! Glad I stopped by when I had the time to read tonight!

Anonymous said...

We do that all the time. Some times she listens to us when we don't even realize it. That is, until she repeats what we said. :-o