

MLO is refusing to wear pants again.

As soon as she sees a pair in my hands she says "no" and sits on her feet so I can't put them on her.

She has gotten very good at wiggling just right so it is REALLY hard to put them on her when she doesn't want them.

She is also getting faster and faster and good at dodging you when you are trying to grab her.

So, she will only wear a dress (it isn't warm out, though not freezing, just on the edge). We show up at daycare and they look at her and shiver. I bring them pants but each day I go to pick her up, they say MLO refused them.

She likes dresses because then she can twirl around and around and "dance".

I think I am going to start some dancing classes for her soon, I can't wait to see her in a tutu!

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